Monday, November 25, 2013



My  trip to the airport in Santa Monica was a trip. My one error was, instead of taking my stroller/walker, I took my cane.  When one is touring an airport, or library, or anyplace where there will be a lot of walking, one had better be in pretty good shape physically. There was no where to sit except an occasional replica of an airline seat here and there, and since we kept moving that was out of the question.  

We did have a chance to sit when we were shown a movie entitled, "Grey Eagles."  This was about  pilots during World War I and II.  I didn't take notes, so I can't really tell you too much about it. I remember that it was interesting.  

The whole tour was actually quite impressive.  I think I saw every type of plane ever made. They even had planes hanging from the ceiling.  It made me think of one of my twin half brothers "Gene" (Eugene) & "Jake"  (Everett) Adams.  Eugene was a professional photographer for Lockheed Corp. for ten years.  During the 1950's he had a two or three page spread of his photos in "Life Magazine."  I have so many talented photographers in my family, including yours truly, that I often wonder if we were related to the famous, Ansel Adams.  I just picked up a copy of one of his photo books at a used book store for three bucks. But...I digress, as usual.

I had been up in Cessna's because my husband had a pilot's license and we went up often.We even flew up the coast to Eureka once to visit my mother, stepfather and my little sister Suzy.  Little Suzy is now a grandmother. 

One trip was not too funny for my son Mike. He was about three or four and we took him up with us. His father decided to do a loop the loop and poor little Mike turned green. To tell you the truth, I wasn't far behind him. I have "acrophobia" and I don't do well if I'm higher than the second rung on a ladder.  I live on the 14th floor and it isn't fun for me if I stand too close to the windows. I know, I'm a wuss!

I said all that to say: My first commercial air-flight was in 1972 when I flew on the Pan American 747 to Costa Rica. I promise I will finish my story about my trip to Costa Rica soon. That story is in my blog, "".  I have written two parts so far.  Anyway back at the Santa Monica Airport, I saw a picture of that 747 Pan-Am plane.  I think about ten years later that company went "belly up" as the saying goes.  However, I will never forget the wonderful flight on that  "flying living room", or the trip there and back. 

One of the most interesting things to me about this trip to the airport was seeing the replica of Orville & Wilbur Wrights, "Wind-walker"  I believe that's what they called it.  When it was finally airborne, someone stood out on the wing, only holding on to one of the "guy-wires." I think he must have had a secret death wish. 

Oddly enough with all of the years of testing and flying, and crashing, there was only one fatality.

I don't remember his name, but one day Orville had invited a  man from the Armed forces to fly with him.   Unfortunately they crashed.  Orville was badly hurt, but he survived to fly another day. His guest however did not.  

If anyone is interested in the history of this airport, or the planes themselves, or the story of the Wright Brothers, I would be glad to delve into it and write a more in depth version for you.  Please tell me in the comment section, and I will look into it and get back to you in the future.

Oh! By the way!  Some of us went to the "Spitfire Grill" for lunch.  I ordered the Turkey Wrap with Caesar Salad, and a cup of the most delicious Clam Chowder I have ever tasted.  The food is really good.

All of their items are named after types of airplanes. I spent a bit more than I had intended, but I had to take half of it home anyway. Needless to say, I didn't cook dinner that night.  I only wished that I had asked for a BOWL of Clam Chowder and ordered the Turkey go!


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